Sunday 28 August 2016


Last Sunday I posted a photo taken earlier this year, with place names blanked out. The question: What are the two missing names?

The answer: Sudbury Close and Haddon Close.
Here is the photo with names restored:

Chatsworth Road Estate

This is part of a Wales & West Housing Association estate sometimes called Chatsworth Road Estate on the site of former Derbyshire Miners' camp, Marsh Road.

Scoring 1 win for the correct answer: Dilys Bagnall 1, Sue Handley 1, Jane Shuttle 1, The Great Gareth 1. 


[In the original post there was a second question based on an old picture of a village "not far from Rhyl". The question has been withdrawn because the person who sent me the pic had misidentified the village and now believes it is a place near Wrexham. Hey ho. Thanks anyway!]


Colin Jones / email:

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